Weedy Wednesday

shtuffs 273

I used to find this plant to be very much a nuisance, until I got to know her better. This plant has many names, probably due to the fact that she will not be ignored. Known as Sticky Weed, Goosegrass, and StickyWilly among others her proper name is Galium Aparine. What makes her so distinct is the fact that her leaves are sticky and cling to one if you brush past her. In this manner she has been able to drop her seeds all over the place, and I can always tell it is Spring when she makes her appearance.

Culinary Uses: Though she is quite bitter to the taste, she is definitely edible. The seeds can also be collected, roasted, and offer a suitable coffee substitute.

Medicinal Uses: Considered an astringent, antispasmodic, diuretic, diaphoretic and vulnerary; the medicinal uses are many. Most commonly the galium aparine is used topically to treat all manner skin irriations, from insect bites to eczema. Internally, as a tea or tincture, this plant can settle and treat various stomach upsets such as indigestion.

Magickal Uses: used in breaking bad habits, spells for creativity, and severing connections that are no longer beneficial.

Medicinal Uses: